Weitere Veranstaltungen in Munich

Life, death, and every breath in between

Vergangene Veranstaltung - 2024
Mo 13 Mai Doors Open 18:30
Event 19:00 to 21:00
Shamrock, Trautenwolfstraße 6
80802, Munich
Discover the science behind the breaths we take and the impact each one has on our journey through life.

The secret of a healthy breath - What we can learn from nature and nurture

Guilherme Dragunas (Postdoctoral researcher in the Lung Health and Immunity Institute from Helmholtz Munich)
Sirui Chen (PhD candidate at the Helmholtz Munich Lung Health and Immunity Institute)
Yuexin Chen (PhD candidate at the Helmholtz Munich Research Unit for Precision Regenerative Medicine)
Breathing is probably the most critical and ordinary thing that we do all the time. With every breath, gas was exchanged with the environment and our immune system continues battling with dirt and germs, yet we have not understood how every component come to develop and maintain this fine machinery, which we call the lung.
But what size is the surface of the human lung? What exactly does a lung even look like? Why does it take so long to get from basic research to a drug that fights incurable lung diseases? These and many other questions will be answered at Pint of Science 2024.

Building Bridges: From Cell Death Insights to Clinical Impact

Anastasia Levkina (PhD candidate at the Helmholtz Munich Institute of Metabolism and Cell Death)
Is cell death a blessing or curse? Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind this essential process. From the historical debates to the latest scientific insights, we'll explore how understanding cell death has transformed medicine and opened the door to personalized medicine.
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