Other Mainz events

Career paths for postdocs in academia & beyond

Past event - 2024
19 Sept Starts at 13:30
End 15:30
Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Ackermannweg 4
55128, Mainz
The Career Panel on “Career paths for postdocs in academia & beyond” is open to all postdocs, staff scientists and final year PhD students in Mainz. Postdocs acquire a diverse portfolio of skills that prepares them for multiple career paths. In this 1h-long Career Panel, you will hear about the experiences of our speakers in developing their careers toward different fields. You will be able to ask your questions and learn about different ways to professionally develop yourself, including challenges and tips for embarking on different career paths. 

Prof. Dr. Sara Vieira-Silva, W2 Professor (University Medical Center Mainz)

After her postdoc experiences at VIB and KU Leuven, Sara successfully started her own research group at the University Medical Center in Mainz, where she now holds a position as Associate Professor. Her research focuses on human gut microbiota and its role in disease.

Dr. Björn Kruspig, Senior Manager Building Operations & Regulatory Compliance (IMB Mainz)

After several years spent working on lung cancer, Björn switched career path. He is now responsible for regulatory compliance at the Institute of Molecular Biology in Mainz, where he also manages all building operations.

Dr. Richard Page, Patent Lawyer & Partner (df-mp Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB)

As a postdoc at LMU and DZNE in Munich, Richard used to study the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease. He subsequently requalified himself to become a Patent Lawyer, and is now specialized in Life Science patents’ proceedings before the European Patent Office.
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