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What does a young scientist actually do in a doctoral thesis? Picking up the mail and making coffee? Definitely not! Young scientists tackle challenging questions about basic and applied sciences early in their careers. With their research, they try to decipher individual puzzle pieces of a larger research field. At “Young Voices In Science”, our young scientists present exciting topics of their doctoral theses, ranging from the immune system to computed tomography applications.
Out of sync - What does shift work do to our immune system?
Sarah Stenger
(PhD candidate at the GRK2633 - Defining and Targeting Autoimmune Pre-Disease, University of Luebeck)
Shift work is growing and so is the incidence of autoimmune diseases. But why? What happens to our bodies when we lose our rhythm, are awake at night and asleep during the day? Even though many of these aspects are still unknown, our research is trying to shed some light on this.
Why antibodies are not just antibodies
Jana Sophia Buhre
(PhD candidate at the GRK2633 - Defining and Targeting Autoimmune Pre-Disease, University of Luebeck)
Antibodies are important effector molecules of our immune system and especially their upper part can neutralize pathogens – like the Sars-CoV-2 virus. But did you know, that also the lower part has important functions? That there is more than just one type of antibody, even different isotypes and subclasses? And that sugar molecules can be attached to an antibody and change it‘s functionality? In this talk, I will address some of these questions.
Viewing Scientific Daily Life with X-ray Vision
Maximilian Wattenberg
(PhD candidate at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering, University of Luebeck)
My research topic is computed tomography, or commonly known as CT. Almost everybody had a CT scan, but only a few can explain how it works. I will show you which challenges we aim to solve in order to increase diagnostic accuracy while lowering the x-ray dose. CT also gains importance in industrial use-cases, where it ensures the quality of critical components like turbine blades for airplanes. How we tackle the challenges in this field and how the research results find their way from the university to the enterprises will be presented in this talk.
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Other Moinsener Brauerei events
Vom Mikro-Bissen zum Makro-Wandel: Nährstoffe und Landwirtschaft für unsere Gesundheit und die Welt von morgen
Moinsener Brauerei
Hinter den Kirschkaten 1-3 23560, Luebeck, Germany
Ohren spitzen & Psyche polieren: Ein SINN-volles Abenteuer zwischen Hopfen und Hirn
Moinsener Brauerei
Hinter den Kirschkaten 1-3 23560, Luebeck, Germany