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Come and discover how plants first conquered the planet and now how they are managing to survive the climate change.
We would like to acknowledge CBISS, an excellence cluster at the University of Freiburg for supporting us by making this event free.
We would like to acknowledge CBISS, an excellence cluster at the University of Freiburg for supporting us by making this event free.
How plants conquered the land?
Professor Dr Stefan Rensing
(Vice-President for research and innovation at University of Freiburg)
Ca. 500 million years ago plant life made the move to land. This event forever changed Earth as we know it and laid the ground for animal life, and for terrestrial life as such. I will explain our current understanding of the challenges the first plants had to face when conquering land, and how they coped.
Waterproof Crops: How Plants Sense and Survive Being Flooded
Professor Dr Sjon Hartman
(Junior Professor & Group Leader at Plant Environmental Signalling and Development, University of Freiburg)
Climate change increases global flooding events and threatens food security. In this pint of science, I’ll tell you how plants sense that they are submerged, and the ways they respond to prevent a timely death. I will also demonstrate that plants have a capacity to learn from, and remember their environment, to grow optimally in a changing world. Ultimately, these discoveries may be used to develop more flood tolerant crops in the future.
100% Renewable Energies for Germany from 2022 until 2030
Professor Dr Moritz Diehl
(Chair of Systems Control and Optimization Laboratory, Department of Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg)
The transition away from fossil fuels is urgent and requires above all 100% sustainable electricity. Wind and solar will have to provide all of Germany’s electricity soon. This is possible, but we need to face the facts of what this will entail. The talk will try to give an outlook of how the landscape and the electricity system in germany might look like in the next years.
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