Weitere Veranstaltungen in Cologne

From ancient potatoes to future computers

Vergangene Veranstaltung - 2023
Mi 24 Mai Doors open at 7 pm and the talks start at 7.30 pm.
Tankstelle, Kyffhäuser Str. 19
50674, Cologne
Each event in this year's Pint of Science Cologne features different scientists from the fields of microbiology, plant sciences, molecular medicine and physics. On the third evening in the Tankstelle we will trace our modern potatoes back to their ancestors and get to know some exciting materials that we can build into our future computers. We will learn about cell death mechanisms in diabetes and long COVID and how databases have become very useful in studying COVID.

Respect your elders: Tracing the lineage of the potato

Craig Dent (CEPLAS Researcher - Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research)
Over the past two centuries, potato breeding in Europe has led to a lot of inbreeding resulting in some old types of potatoes which contributed their DNA many times to the modern potatoes we eat today. This project aims to identify these old potato types and figure out how many of them we need to capture all the genetic information in modern European potatoes. We do this by using a breeding pedigree of European potatoes and simulating how DNA passes from one generation to the next. By doing this, we hope to better understand the genetic makeup of modern potatoes and improve future breeding.

Long-distance relationships in one-dimensional swinger clubs and quantum computing

Samuel Morales (PhD student in theoretical physics at HHU Düsseldorf)
Quantum computing is a new and exciting area of technology that has the potential to solve complex mathematical problems. However, the building blocks of quantum computers, called qubits, are very sensitive to outside forces, making them difficult to work with. One solution to this problem is using so called Majorana qubits which store information in a unique way that makes them less likely to be affected by external disturbances. Scientists have created a simple model using a chain of electrons to help them build Majorana qubits using special materials called one-dimensional superconductors.

I know a guy: Using the VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry to study late-breaking health concerns

Jon Salmanton-Garcia (Postdoctoral researcher in CECAD Translational Research)
The VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry is a place where people from 17 European countries can sign up to participate in medical studies and clinical trials. Over 100,000 people have registered so far providing information on their medical history. When researchers need volunteers for a study, they can search the registry to find people who meet their criteria. The registry has been used for 28 studies, with over 70,000 participation opportunities offered to volunteers. Many of these studies are related to COVID-19, such as finding the best vaccination schemes or testing new vaccines.

Cell death in diabetes and long COVID

Kristel Martinez Lagunas (Postdoctoral Researcher at University Hospital Cologne & Science Journalist)
Önay Veli (PhD student in inflammation research at CECAD Cologne)
Önay and Kristel will be talking about the role of cell death in different disease settings. Kristel will discuss Long COVID, a debilitating condition that can last for years after infection, and how regulated cell death may be involved in its onset and progression. Önay will talk about diabetes, a chronic disease that affects how the body processes sugar, and how necroptosis, a type of cell death, has been linked to the onset and progression of the disease.They will both discuss their research and how understanding these mechanisms may lead to better treatments and disease management options.
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