Other Berlin events

The Future: Nature and Innovation

Frankfurter Tor 7 10243 Berlin

Past event - 2019
21 May Doors open 19:00
Event 19:30 to 22:00
The Castle Pub - Friedrichshain, Frankfurter Tor 7
10243, Berlin
Sold Out!
This evening’s line-up will range from fundamental sciences to new technological innovations. Be inspired by state-of-the-art research of mosquitoes and malaria and the heart of our solar system, the Sun; be awed by exciting new tech developments, the world’s first voice-powered digital assistant to improve science productivity and reproducibility; and discover a game to revolutionise museums. The talks will be in the language of their written short description below.

Empowering Scientists Through Voice Technology

Gursatya Singh (Biotech Researcher & Head of Growth at LabTwin)
Scientists spend over 50% of their time at the bench with no easy way to document their findings. Missed details can make it hard to reproduce research and find sources of error, leading to wasted time and money. Join this talk to learn how LabTwin, the world’s first digital lab assistant, empowers scientists through voice-technology and makes lab documentation faster, easier and more comprehensive.

Das Humboldt Forum spielt sich frei

Christian Stein (Post-doc at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
„Der Mensch spielt nur, wo er in voller Bedeutung des Wortes Mensch ist, und er ist nur da ganz Mensch, wo er spielt“, wusste schon Friedrich Schiller und beschrieb den Spieltrieb als den wichtigsten des Menschen. Das Projekt "Mein Objekt" bringt ein innovatives Spiel ins Humboldtforum, dass Distanzen überbrücken und auch Menschen begeistern soll, die sonst nicht gern ins Museum gehen. Wie das gelingen könnte, erzählt Christian.

The Sun Under the Microscope

Meetu Verma (Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP))
Meetu studies our nearest star - the Sun.
Her research focuses on sunspots and their evolution from formation to decay. At Pint of Science, she will discuss the fine structure and dynamics of sunspots and the potential for discovery science with the next generation of advanced solar telescopes.

Mosquitoes, Malaria and More

Anna Weyrich (Ph.D. student at the Max-Planck Institute for Infection Biology)
Anna's research focuses on one of the most dangerous animals on this planet - the mosquito. But why mosquitoes? What makes them so threatening? And how can we stop them?
If you are interested in learning more about those tiny insects and what we can do to control them, join the discussion about mosquitoes and malaria.
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